Monday, October 22, 2012

How to cook a wild turkey

One of the best meals in the woods is the breast of a wild turkey. Many people think of a Thanksgiving turkey when they think turkey but this is not the same as a wild bird. Wild turkey can be prepared many different ways but my personal favorite is frying. To do this you must cut the breast out of the turkey one half at a time. After you cut out the brest cut them into 1 inch wide pieces while the breast is still vertical. These strips can then be cut into however long strips  you want to make. After all the cutting is done, soak the strips in milk overnight. The next night you will be ready for a feast. Flour the strips and add your favorite seasonings. The final step is to fry the pieces until they are golden brown. Let the strips rest on a paper towel after they come out of the grease for five minutes then enjoy.

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